My career starts in China, in Beijing in 2018. Asia introduces me to relationships with personalities that leave a deep mark on my maturation. New ways of living that have pleasantly contaminated my way of thinking and conceiving architecture “

Professional experiences

Graduated in Architecture and Design at the University of Catania, then she participates in an internship at the + outdesignstudio studio in China and Drawn from oriental realities and styles, two years after her activity she moves to Thailand, and in Phuket for another year Giulia Doria personally follows several prestigious projects at the same time. Experiences that have allowed her to develop exceptional communication skills and diversified skills as well as a global and multicultural vision.

In 2021 she returns to Europe for a significant project in Cannes, France to create the main residence of a foreign client. At the same time she designs and develops the concept of Pitamaki Temakeria in Sicily, taking care of every detail. Here she pours the mix of absorbed international experiences, thus creating an absolutely innovative format.

In Sicily she sees Etna again and LAVICA is born

LAVICA architecture design was born in a territory that is characterized by cultural contaminations, characterized by the presence of a volcano that symbolizes the personal philosophy of its founder.

“Light and strength, fire and amazement. It is who I am and what I want to be. I am LAVICA.”